Sunday, October 23, 2011

Visual Paradigm Suite 4.0

April 20, 2009 - Visual Paradigm International Limited announced today the release of Visual Paradigm Suite 4.0 (VP Suite 4.0).

VP Suite 4.0 introduces a number of new features and enhancements, which include:

  • Reference other projects' model elements
  • Compare and show difference between diagrams visually
  • Support Freehand shape
  • Support justify shape name
  • Support Style for shapes and connectors
  • Support Layer
  • Showing line jump in Arc Square, Skip or normal
  • Align Connector Caption Base on Connector Orientation
  • Support Generalization Set in Class Diagram
  • Model and generate DB Sequence
  • Pinable connector end
  • Undo committed changes by reverting revisions

Enhancements to VP Suite 4.0 include:

  • Support exclude file and folder in C++
  • Showing documentation when playing animation
  • Generate formatted DDL

Download Link : Visual Paradigm Suite 4.0

Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3.2

Cisco Networking Academy is pleased to announce the release of Cisco Packet Tracer version 5.3, a minor release that includes the following new protocol support and enhanced functionality:
* Improved Linksys models, added WEP wireless security algorithm, Cable and DSL enhancements
* Call Manager Express (VOIP support)
* FTP server and routers/switches – server and client
* Email system (SMTP and POP3) – server and client
* Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) – limited implementation that allows for a more realistic representation of the Internet for scenarios
* Generic IP end devices – to create more versatility in device creation
* Activity Wizard Initial Tree enhancements – more scenario variations

Saturday, March 26, 2011

5 Things You Need To Be Prepared For When Starting A Blog

So, you want to start a blog?
Becoming a blogger can be an adventurous and exciting endeavor. The entire process can be an adrenaline rush as you think about all of the visitors and ad dollars that will be coming your way. It sounds like the perfect career. While blogging can be a printable profession, there are however a few things that you need to be prepared for when you start blogging.
Let’s take a look at the top 5.

1. Guest Post Rejection

Every blogger will tell you that you need to write guest posts to attract more viewers to your site. While this is true, it can be difficult for a new blogger to be approved for a guest post on a larger site. If you get rejected by a big blog, don’t take it personally. Keep trying! You can always write guest posts for small and medium sized blogs. This will give you examples of your published works that you can show to bigger blogs. Eventually the larger blogs will open up their doors to you as well.

4 Steps to Increase Your Blog Traffic

One of the most common complaints that I hear from bloggers is the fact that no matter how hard they try, they can’t grow their blogs past 100 or so daily page vies. Those early days are indeed the hardest, because you need to put hard work in without the certainty of achieving results.
If you are in that same situation, here is a simple strategy that will certainly increase your blog traffic and make you break the 1,000 daily page views mark. In fact, the strategy could be used even if your are already over that number but have reached a traffic plateau lately.
Just make sure to execute the 4 steps as planned and to spend the two hours and a half every day (obviously if you have more time available you can expand the time spent on each of the four steps proportionally).

Friday, March 25, 2011

10 Things Bloggers Should NOT Do

Every now and then I will see a list of things bloggers should do, but I notice people are not that inclined to do what they are asked to do, while they pay more attention to things they should NOT do. That is why I decided to create the list below. Here we go:
1. You Must Not Expect Results Overnight: This is happening everywhere and that is the major reason why a large percentage of bloggers fail. Many bloggers come online unprepared and with the wrong set of expectations. They think blogging is a bed of roses and they only need to write one or two posts and begin to make money right away. Wrong!

How To Access Blocked Web Sites

Websites like facebook , twitter  and other social networking sites are generally blocked in schools, colleges and offices . There exist some tricks by which you can bypass  the restrictions and access blocked sites , the most obvious is the use of proxies or Anonymizer websites . But using proxies doesn’t always works as they gets blocked by firewall as well . Here I am listing some other methods to access blocked contents .

1. Use IP instead of URL
Each website has its equivalent ip address . This method works best when blocked sites are stored as a list of URLs  .You can use  ip address  to access blocked contents . For example to access facebook you can use  ip address in your address bar . You can use to find the ip address of other websites .

5 Tips to Build Confidence in Your Team

If you are finding it a tall order to build confidence in your team, then the following are some points that can surely help you.

1. Be Confident Yourself
No one likes to work with a person who is unsure of what he or she is doing.If you are leading a team, one of the most important things you would need to do in order to build confidence in your team would be to be totally confident yourself or, at least, you should learn how to give out that impression. Lead by example. Whenever possible, you should accomplish some of the tasks yourself so that you can impress upon your team that your own confidence levels are high.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Cameras

Digital cameras have become hugely popular all over the world in the last few years. In this article, we take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of digital cameras.
It is really interesting to notice how cameras have evolved over the years. As a kid, I distinctly remember how flabbergasted I was, when told that the funny-looking thing propped up on a tripod in the Charlie Chaplin film was nothing but a camera! Having seeing Walkman-sized roll film cameras all my life, it was quite difficult to believe that the weird-looking device on the tripod was actually a camera. To come to think of it, I guess an 8-year old who has seen digital cameras all his life, would pretty much feel the same when it comes to hand-held roll film cameras of yesteryear.

So why exactly are digital cameras so popular today? Is there some kind of rocket science involved, which makes digital cameras so very superior to roll film cameras? Are they really a blessing to all shutterbugs, or do they have some drawbacks too? On that note, let us look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of digital cameras with respect to photography.

Japan earthquake: How you can help ?

While Tokyo was given a good shake, amazingly it survived largely undamaged. However, one feeling we've all sharing at the moment is a terrible sense of uselessness. Reports over Twitter suggest that plenty of people have taken it upon themselves to get in a car and head north – perhaps not the most sensible option. So here's a few things you can be doing for the time being.
For those living in Tokyo and Japan at large

Giving blood:
While some nationalities may be turned away (there are strict rules concerning the process), it is thought that the need for blood will increase in the coming weeks. Before giving blood, make sure you haven't eaten fatty food, but make sure you have eaten something.

25 Essential Blackberry Tips And Tricks

You probably bought a BlackBerry for the keyboard and fantastic battery life but there's more to it than that. You can just pick a BlackBerry up and start using it, because all you need to do is press the Menu key to get the main options on every screen - but the BlackBerry OS hides a huge number of clever tricks and shortcuts that make it faster and simpler to get things done.

There are some tips you won't need often - like pressing Alt, Del and the right-hand Caps key at the same time to reboot instead of just restarting; others you'll use all the time, like pressing the red 'hang up' key to get back to the home screen and clicking the spanner icon on the home screen to open Options. Here are our top 25 Blackberry tips.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What Every Man Wants Every Woman To Know

Somehow over time we women tend to give our intimate relationships less nurturing as a couple as we gave ourselves as a single. We indulged our single selves and nursed our dating needs. We sought out our significant other like it was a search and rescue mission. Time passed and we came to invest more into our rescued canine that resulted from that union. We cannot wait to get home to our comfy slippers, our fuzzy four legged companion, that Chinese takeout or the nightly cocktail. What about our partner? Do we relish seeing him as much as that sesame chicken and broccoli?
How is it that our girlfriend has that ideal relationship? Perhaps she knows how to meet her partner’s needs. I will let you in on a little secret, you can too. There is no limit to what a man will do for you if you understand his needs. It is that simple.

7 Types Of Guys Women Can't Resist

Have you ever wondered why some guys have all the luck when it comes to women? It's no secret that certain archetypal males have been proven over and over to be irresistible to women -- and it's not simply because of their  good looks or a well-defined six pack.
The truth is that women tend to be attracted to certain personality traits and so, naturally, they flock to the men who possess them.

Below are seven of these "ideal types" of guys that women are drawn to, and an explanation as to why these guys are so appealing. But don't freak out or permanently alter your personality if you don't fit into any of these categories exactly -- women will see right through that.

Top 5 Deadliest Volcanoes

There exist a large number of volcanoes worldwide, but all are not hazardous as such. A few of them only cause panic with their affection to dance with devastation at their own wish. Volcanoes become destructive when they emit hot magma tied with ash and gases. Degree of such destruction depends upon various factors that may include:
*   Speed of eruption
*   Height of eruption
*   Availability of gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, etc.
*   Duration of deadly eruption
*   Nature of human habitation around, etc.
Several volcanic eruptions have so far been marked as deadly as far as their destructive power is concerned. Deadliness of a volcano is always not measured considering only the direct erupt-impact; post-eruption impact on the adjoining environment also contributes greatly in deciding deadliness of a volcanic eruption. It’s not feasible to portrait all the deadly volcanoes here; however, devastating descriptions for only 5 deadliest volcanoes are given below.

5 Alternative Fun Ways to Earn Money Online

Tired of boring daily work? Why not try some other (fun) ways to earn a little bit of money? You won’t need any special skills or resources: just a bit of free time to earn some cash daily.
1. How to Earn Money from Your Pictures:
ShareAPic pays you cash if you are good at sharing your pics uploaded to the service; the details:

* Get paid $0.22 per 1000 pic views;
* Pay out within 30 days
* Payments via PayPal
* Alternative prizes: gift certificates from Amazon and eLuxury

20 Amazing Facts About Google

Here are some Interesting Facts about Google

1. Google got its name accidentally, Google’s name is a play on the word googol, which refers to the number 1 followed by one hundred zeroes. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, “Mathematics and the Imagination” by Kasner and James Newman. Google’s play on the term reflects the company’s mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web. Also the company that gave them their first Paycheck spelled it incorrectly and hence they had to register on the name which then went on to become ‘Google’

10 Tips to Browse Safely on Web

The importance of Internet Security is heard by most of the PC users but actually taken care by few of them. Safety while browsing sites on the web is very important. When I talk about Internet Security it reminds me of famous old saying ‘Prevention is better than cure’ also applies here better be prevented rather than been attacked by virus,
trojans and scammers and run in trouble. So its require that you take safe techniques to prevent your pc from being hacked or served with trojans.

Following are the steps to ensure that you stay away from the harmful content on the web. I have summed up all together points.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 Essential Tips Before Buying a Web Hosting Server

You finally decided to approach a web-hosting company for hosting  your website. You got your domain name registered or perhaps you did not. Web Hosting isn't like buying groceries - there are far too many things you have to consider even for something that looks deceptively this simple as putting up a website.
It depends on how cautious you are and how you manage to bag the best web-hosting provider available to serve you.
It would help you a great deal if you asked your potential web hosting provider a few pointed questions such as those mentioned below, along with the reasons as to why you need to ask ( for your knowledge).

1. Do they have sound customer support systems in place?
Now, you would find a lot of web-hosting serve providers online. Some of them serve their customers promptly while some don't. It is very important as a web master, or a web site owner for you to know how your potential service provider rates on this aspect. You could shoot some pre-sales questions about something you wanted to know or ask them one of these other questions and wait to see the response period. If they don't respond within 24 hrs (the Industry Standard) you are talking to trouble-hosting providers. Good customer service and the extent to which the provider would go to educate you or familiarize you with their available services would mean a lot to you as a client.

12 Best Ideas for Being Successful

1. Set specific goals and action steps, and write them down. The single most important step in getting somewhere is knowing where you're going and having a plan for getting there. Your goals have to be written out, and so does your plan.
Be specific, date each goal and each step on your action plan. Then follow it.

2. Read and review your goals daily. This one could change your life. Keep your goals in front of you. Always know what you plan to do next. And always take the action your plan calls for. Review your goals, review your plan, change them as necessary, and stay with it. It only takes two or three minutes each morning to read your goals and glance over your plans. You're going to spend the next 24 hours that day doing something; you might as well be doing something that counts.

50 Common Interview Questions and Answers

Review these typical interview questions and think about how you would answer them. Read the questions listed; you will also find some strategy suggestions with it.
1. Tell me about yourself:
The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed otherwise. Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to the position you are interviewing for. Start with the item farthest back and work up to the present.

Top 10 Bizarre or Ridiculous Fatwas

With no centralized Islamic religious authority like a Pope or Dalai Lama, pretty much any Muslim “scholar” can create a fatwa, a religious edict for modern life supposedly guided by the Koran or the (less authoritative) hadiths- stories from Muhammad’s life. In recent years, supply has far outstripped demand, and it’s getting laughable. Most fatwas are harmless and a little mundane, but lately, some Islamic jurists have gone straight crazy.

Ways Men Show Love....

    It's a cliche for a reason…men aren't always best at showing how they feel, even when they're head over heels. Here, 10 ways that men show you their love

 1. He Opens Up
    Emotional intimacy isn't easy for anyone, so if he's baring his soul to you, it's not because he likes hearing himself talk…alright, not just because he likes hearing himself talk.

2. He Does the Dirty Work
    Taking out the garbage and scrubbing the bathroom floor may not seem romantic, but it can be his way of showing you he cares: by helping you out and trying to make your life easier. He's not ironing your work pants because he likes to; he's doing it because he wants to make you happy.

Windows 7 - Tips & Tweaks

Windows 7 is fast, stable and far more reliable than we'd expect from a first public beta. And while it doesn't include major new features, take the time to explore and you'll find lots of useful changes that will make a real difference in how you use your PC.
Like any version of Windows there are various tips, tweaks and hacks you can perform to get your PC working the way you want it. Here's our first guide on how to get the most from your Windows 7 installation.

5 Tips to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer

Modern mobile phones have numerous applications installed, as well as a bunch of other features, including photo cameras, blitzes, Bluetooth devices and others.
All these accessories take up large amounts of electricity from the battery, prompting users to recharge them more often. This consumes a lot of electric energy, placing unnecessary strain on power plants, to supply more juice.

Using energy-saving settings is a great way of reducing the overall electrical consumption of your phone, especially if you turn off the back light, which accounts for the depletion of the battery to a great extent. Screen-savers are also huge power drains, as they animate the screen even when the phone is still in the pocket.

7 Important Features Every Blog Should Have

There are almost 150 million blogs in the blogosphere as the stats given by blog pulse but still there is a diversity in designs, features etc. covering wide range of articles from across the world and every aspect of life. In spite of these vividness, you will still find some similarities in its features.
These are some very common features which you might be aware already but still I am listing down them as it might come handy for newbie bloggers.

1. RSS Feeds
RSS feeds allows user to browse through your content and get the latest content deliver to them via email or any other RSS feed readers without having to visit your website daily or on a regular basis. It is a necessity to have RSS feeds for your blog. You can check out my RSS Feeds by this link and subscribe to them if you like it.

5 Vintage Apple Products that were Complete Failures

It’s hard to imagine a world without such products as the iphone, ipad or ipod. But over apples thirty years in business they too have had a couple of flops.
Here are 5 such products…

15 Signs You’re Just Friends

15 signs he’s probably not interested in being anything more than friends.
  1. He invites you to be his “plus 1” at a wedding because “he couldn’t find a date-date.”
  2. He thinks it’s hilarious when his parents ask when you two are finally going to start dating.
  3. The most romantic thing he’s said to you in months is: “I’ll be your wingman any time you need one.”
  4. He asks for relationship advice.
  5. When you go to movies, he likes to keep a seat open between you so you “have more space.”
  6. He asks you to edit his online dating profile.
  7. He typically calls you by your last name.

11 Reasons Why North Korea Is The Most Bizarre Nation On Earth

Is the United States about to go to war with the most bizarre nation on earth?  A lot of Americans would actually welcome “the Korean War Part 2″, but before people get too excited it is important to keep in mind that we have never been at war with a nation that actually possesses nuclear weapons.  At this point it is unclear exactly how powerful North Korea’s nuclear weapons are, but nearly everyone does agree that they are crazy enough to use them.  North Korea reportedly has thousands of missile batteries that are capable to hitting the 10 million people that live in Seoul.  The death and devastation that an all-out strike on Seoul could potentially cause is almost unimaginable.  In fact, the 24.5 million people living either in or around Seoul make it the second largest metropolitan area in the world.  The next conflict on the Korean peninsula will be extremely bloody.  Nobody should be wishing for that.
Unfortunately, the next Korean war seems closer than ever.  Tensions on the peninsula are at a record high.  Today, North Korea has one of the largest armies in the world.  Some reports claim that they have over 1 million soldiers on active duty.  But South Korea is highly militarized as well, and there are 28,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea that the North Koreans would have to contend with.